Monday, February 15, 2016

Natural Resources and Trade

Natural Resources and Trade

Crude oil, natural gas, iron ore, and petroleum are the main natural resources of Egypt.

Crude oil, found most extensively in the Suez Canal, also is found in areas of the western deserts of Egypt. Egypt is not a leading producer in oil, especially since the decline in the amount she distributes, however she does have her name on the map.
Natural gas, as can be seen in the picture, is primarily located in the Mediterranean Sea and at the delta of the Nile River. Egypt's consumption of natural gas is the highest among all their other resources. However natural gas and crude oil are the chief distributions in Egypt.
One can see in this graph that Egypt's production of petroleum is small in number, and their consumption of it is at a large increase. Although Egypt consumes more petroleum than it produces, it still serves as a viable export.

Mining in Egypt has been been going on for century's and goes back to the prehistoric times. Mining iron ore is one of Egypt's chief mineral resources.

The influence of these natural resources have had a great impact on Egypt. Not only has trade routes, the Silk Road for example, been established to spread these great wealth all over the world, but trade into Egypt has also expanded. Because they natural resources reach back to prehistoric times, they of course have increased in production and exports.

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